Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thing 2

I never thought of a blog as a memo to the world. Good analogy. I never thought about how blogs can impact politics, learning, journalism, and spreading information about every imaginable subject. This opens up endless possibilities for the use of blogs for teachers and students. Also, those who might not have a voice otherwise can express themselves through blogs and perhaps find someone to listem. I like the ability to control who participates in the blog and to control the content. And to be able to send a blog through your phone and email is equally impressive.
Setting up the blog and the avator went a little slowly but I got though it. Now I feel like I've accomplished something. And to create a post and actually have it show up is equally satisfying!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These days the news comes out on the blogs before it comes out in the paper or the magazines. The political blogs are having a big impact in this years election - not that I read them, since I'm the most a-politcal person on the planet.