Friday, July 4, 2008

Thing 5

I finally feel like I'm accomplishing something. I'm very visual so I feel satisfied that my blog is up and working and I have "decorated" it with some of my art.
I love Flickr. It is truly a place to share and connect with people of similar interests. I'm relieved that there are some features that offer control over copyrights and access abilities. Nonetheless, simply posting photos and art will leave them open for infringement. But this is true anywhere on the web.
Since I am an art teacher, I visualize students taking their own digital photos, uploading them to Flickr, and posting comments on each others' work. Hopefully, other adults/art teachers (besides me) will comment on their work so that they can gain some perspective about their work. The only problem is...where can I get digital cameras and enough computers for them to use. Perhaps in the future.
From an instructional standpoint, I would love to make demo videos for kids to access on a dedicated computer so that they can review at whatever pace is needed. It is not possible to repeatedly demonstrate how a project is to be done. It would require too much time and materials. A video would solve the problem and kids could look at whatever part they needed. Absent kids could get caught up also.
I could not figure out how to save the image I selected from Marketseq's Photostream. His work is "breathtaking." I must not lose it. I'll try again.

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